Catalog Number: LS-271
- The Original Ecologically Responsible Scintillation Fluid
- Readily Biodegradable
- Economical
- Robust Sample Handling
- Excellent All-Around Performance
Ecoscint O
Catalog Number: LS-274
- Cocktail for Non-Aqueous Samples
- Readily Biodegradable
- Ultra-High Efficiency
- Low Toxicity
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more bottles!
Catalog Number: LS-111
Size: 4 Liter
- For Large Volume Aqueous Samples
- High Counting Efficiency
- Ready-To-Use for All Sample Types
- Nonflammable Solvent Base
Ecoscint A
Catalog Number: LS-273
- The Ideal Universal Scintillation Cocktail
- All-Around Performance
- High Efficiency with High Sample Holding
- Biodegradable, Reduced Toxicity Solvent
- High Flash Point (>150°C)
Ecoscint H
Catalog Number: LS-275
- The Highest Efficiency Scintillation Fluid for Aqueous Samples on the Market
- Readily Biodegradable
- Reduced Toxicity Solvent
- High Flash Point (>150°C)
Ecoscint XR
Catalog Number: LS-272
Size: 4 liter
- Ultra-High Sample Holding (1:1 Cocktail to Sample)
- Excellent Counting Efficiency
- Biodegradable
- High Flash Point
Ecoscint Ultra
Catalog Number: LS-270
Size: 4 liter
- The Best Performing Cocktail on the Market
- Readily Biodegradable
- Ideal Cocktail for Environmental Testing
- Ultra-High Sample Hold
- Low Toxicity
Uniscint BD
Catalog Number: LS-276
- Biodegradable Cocktail for HPLC Flow Detection High Salt Samples
- High Flash Point (>150°C)
- Reduced Toxicity Solvent
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 4 liter bottles!
Catalog Number: LS-121
- Economical Traditional Formulation
- Solid Consistent Performer
- High Flash Point Low Evaporation Rate Solvent
Ecoscint GL
- For counting isotopes bound to silica or resins
- Forms stable gel phase with water or moderate salt
- Reliable counting without settling of particulates
Quantity Discount when purchasing four or more bottles
Catalog Number: LS-191
Size: 4 Liter
- Extremely High Sample Holding Capacity
- Clear Continuous Liquid Phase to 50% Sample
- No Gel Phase
- High Efficiency
Soluscint XR
Quantity Discount when you buy four or more bottles of Soluscint XR!
Hazardous Shipping Fees: This product may incur an additional hazardous shipping fee. We will pack the products to minimize all shipping costs, and the final charge will reflect the shipping cost and any applicable hazardous fees charged by FedEx.
Catalog Number: LS-314
Size: 4 liter
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more bottles!
Hazardous Shipping Fees: This product may incur an additional hazardous shipping fee. We will pack the products to minimize all shipping costs, and the final charge will reflect the shipping cost and any applicable hazardous fees charged by FedEx.
Catalog Number: LS-311
Size: 450 ml
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more bottles!
- For Non-Aqueous Samples
- High Counting Efficiency
- Ready-To-Use
- Economical